Ethics and Genetics PDF
By:Guido de Wert,Roberto Mordacci
Published on 2003 by Berghahn Books
Genetic information plays an increasingly important role in ourlives. As a result of the Human Genome Project, knowledge ofthe genetic basis of various diseases is growing, withimportant consequences for the role of genetics in clinicalpractice, health care systems and for society at large. In theclinical setting genetic testing may result in a better insightinto susceptibility for inheritable diseases, not only before orafter birth, but also at later stages in life. Besides prenataltesting and pre-conceptional testing, predictive testing hasresulted in new possibilities for the early detection, treatmentand prevention of inheritable diseases. However, not all inheritable diseases that can be predicted onthe basis of genetic information can be treated or cured.Should we offer genetic tests to people for untreatablediseases? Should we test every individual who wants to knowhis or her genetic status? Should we inform family membersabout the results of genetic tests of individuals, even whenthere are no possibilities for treatment? What, in such cases, is the role of the |right-not-to-know|? Should we informfamily members when there is only an increased risk of adisease? This book deals with the ethical issues of clinicalgenetics, as well as ethical issues that arise in geneticscreening, the research of populations, and the use of geneticinformation for access to insurance and the workplace.
This Book was ranked at 28 by Google Books for keyword Ethics.
Book ID of Ethics and Genetics's Books is 0ElXG-MfL4kC, Book which was written byGuido de Wert,Roberto Mordaccihave ETAG "SDiKH5IsOWg"
Book which was published by Berghahn Books since 2003 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781571816009 and ISBN 10 Code is 1571816003
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "152 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryMedical
Book was written in en
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